Randomly generated drawing of a panda

yoko.cool / Phillip “Pacman” Chbeeb, aka that guy you’ve seen everywhere (4:19)

Pacman mid-liquid-ing.

By now you’ve probably already seen Vice + Diesel’s AWESOME “A–Z of Dance” video, right? What? You haven’t? Unacceptable, stop reading this right now and watch it (3:33).

Are we back? Cool. The guy dancing to “L” for “Liquid,” that’s Phillip “Pacman” Chbeeb. You might have seen him from season 5 of So You Think You Can Dance, or maybe you saw him when he and his crew I.aM.mE won America’s Best Dance Crew in season 6.

Pacman’s choreographic range is vast, and this week’s video is a great sampler of everything he can do. He is extremely flexible and can control and contort his body in a way that is nothing short of illusory. When he dances to Bruce Lee’s “Be water, my friend” quote, he’s really performing the fluidity that Lee tries to express. And then he throws some tutting in at the end because he can. Crazy.

Watch video!

Pacman also makes a quick appearance in the new (and so very fabulous) Virgin America safety video (4:59), along with Mike Song and his mom (3:19), and a few other famous dancers. Can you find them all?
