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yoko.cool / Mike Song: “Distorted Love” by Shook ft. Ronika (2:15)

A still from a Youtube dance video by Mike Song. Mike Song, Mikey Andaya, and Lawrence Kao are mid-dance. They're all wearing shiny leather jackets and different hats.

Some of you may already be familiar with Mike Song — he’s not only an urban dance superstar, but also a repeat guest on The Ellen Show after his Gangnam Style dance video with his mom went viral. The video you’re about to watch is a choreo he created, performed with fellow dance-mates Mikey Andaya and Lawrence Kao of Kinjaz.

What I love most about this video is that the choreography is performed twice: first, a well-shot version with high production value; then the exact same dance, but shot in a dance studio, straight on, with Mike Song in a sweat-stained tank top.

I actually prefer the second version because the single camera allows us to see how the details of the choreo come together to create the full performance. The full view shows the whole body the entire time, so you can better see how the movements match the beats of the song. You might also find that, what appeared to be an effortless movement at 0:32 is actually incredibly complicated floorwork voodoo at 1:25.

Watch video!

— Yoko