Randomly generated drawing of a panda

yoko.cool / Collage

A collage. Lots of the letters E, H, M, R, S, T, and Y (sans-serif) are scattered about, occasional spelling out into pronouns. ZINES is also spelled out in a serif font. In the background there is a person walking on a treadmill. Googly eyes are glued over their eyes. In the foreground is a cutout of several rows of what look like large lightbulbs.

I felt a need to make something but I was afraid to fall into the “taste chase” of getting discouraged if something wasn’t “good enough.” So I made a collage, which I’d not really done as an adult. It was a soothing process; plus, I actually started digging into all of the random paper paraphernalia I collect.

Thank you to Saeed Jones’ post on his collage process, which inspired me to give the medium a try.