Randomly generated drawing of a panda

yoko.cool / Everything a lesson (some commentary)

I made a thing! Here it is!

I was doodling in a notebook trying to ~ express some thoughts ~ and I started writing: everything can be a lesson

And as I was writing it, this other thought popped into my head and I wrote it down: not everything needs to be a lesson

And then I was like, These phrases share structural similarities but express very different perspectives, wouldn’t it be neat if there was a way to show that? At first I imagined those airport departure flipboards or a single one of these prism thingies. And then I was like, Oh wait maybe I can try to code this lol.

I wanted to keep it lightweight and tightly scoped because I have a tendency to try all the things, get caught in rabbit holes, and give up before accomplishing anything. So I tried to keep it as straightforward as possible — still took me many hours, but less than a full day! Go me.

I built it in Codepen first:

See the Pen Everything a lesson by Yoko Sakao Ohama (@yokodotcool) on CodePen.

And then!!! In another evening (right now lol) I figured out how to make a stripped-down layout template that would make it straightforward to copypaste the Codepen content into my own website, so I could (conceivably) transfer future Codepen projects into my site without a lot of effort. Ta-daaa