Randomly generated drawing of a panda

yoko.cool / We have adopted a cat

A gif of Soleil, our cat, in our bathroom. He has white fur with caramel patterning; of note is the caramel mustache just under his nose. He is hiding between the toilet seat and the washer-dryer so that you can only see his head sticking out from behind the toilet. In the gif, the view zooms on his face as he slowly blinks.

His name is Soleil and he is a ~13lb boy cat of about 6 years. He has white fur with caramel patterning along his head and back. Of visual note is his lopsided milk tea mustache and his mystical light-dark brown striped tail.

We are still getting used to cat-cohabitation! Exciting times for us. Much appreciation to rescuer G at Brooklyn Animal Action, and foster S, who first introduced us to this special boy.