Randomly generated drawing of a panda

yoko.cool / Another solid weekend

A photo of cutting mat on the kitchen table. On the mat there are two stacks of envelopes made from old recycled paper packing materials. The envelopes are held together with washi tape from KyariKreations on Etsy, a few rolls of which are also on the mat. There is also a zine-shaped pattern made from an old postcard, used as a guide for making the envelopes, which are for sending the zines.

A photo of me standing in front of our mirror. I’m wearing a tee shirt I got from Yafa cafe and a new pair of shorts, also bought on Etsy. The shorts are a dark brownish mustard color, and they come up the waist pretty high. They have POCKETS (in all caps) as you can see I have my hand in one.

On Saturday, we went to the farmer’s market and I had a lovely morning/early afternoon of weekend chores. I made a few more zine envelopes; really excited to be using that washi tape I got on Etsy :)

Also an Etsy purchase: a pair of shorts that got sent allllll the way from China. I’m thinking I could have searched a little harder to find something similar that shipped from closer. But I’m so happy with these that I think it’s okay.

A photo of a bush of hydrangeas, or ajisai. Taken outside, over the fence of a nearby home. The ajisai are super colorful, in white/yellow, pink, light blue and violet.

A photo of our kitchen table again, this time with the three plants we bough over the weekend.

Today (Sunday) we walked to a couple local (like, within 2 miles I guess) plant shops. We came back with three new friends. Clockwise from top: Fert, Belinda, and Terry.