Randomly generated drawing of a panda

yoko.cool / Endure, because we must (3:06)

Chris Martin stands point, looking to his right. About a dozen other dancers on their knees around him, also looking to their right.

Holy cow.

There are many dancers out there, incredibly talented, world-class dancers, whose artistry is tragically diminished by the fact that we’re watching their work online. Larkin Poynton is not one of those dancers.

When I talk about this “piece” by Larkin (tall, center guy at 0:55) and Chris Martin (point at 1:24), I don’t mean just the choreography. The whole video—the acting, the framing, the editing—everything is a carefully crafted work where the medium is part of the message. Larkin, who also edited this video, takes what could be a barrier between us and his choreography, and uses it to his advantage to create an incredible experience.

This edition of WAWD should be titled, “How to art direct your next dance video.” I am haunted by this performance. Just stunning.

Watch video!
