Randomly generated drawing of a panda

yoko.cool / It’s time for love, with Keone and Mari (8:52)

Keone and Mari looking slick at the bar

Keone and Mari are back at it again with their Cookies friends, and they’re stepping their game up with an actual production crew and everything. There’s a guys’ routine, a ladies’ routine, and a BUNCH of little couple’s routines, and it’s all (loosely) packaged together in a mobster-era dream sequence. Not sure what else you can ask for this Valentine’s Day weekend. I’m swoonin’ already.

I love that Keone and Mari pull inspiration from dance classics like Michael Jackson and Fred Astaire (as you might spot in the video but it’s also mentioned in the description). It make me want to believe that they too will inspire dancers in the same way for generations to come.

Watch video!
I should warn you that herein lie some pretty cringey mobster accents.
