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yoko.cool / $eishiro × Beyoncé: On making dance look easy (0:43)

Seishiro-san hittin it

This video has been on my to-talk list for a while, but now I have an exciting reason to share it: I took $eishiro’s class at En Dance Studio last month while visiting Tokyo, and he just so happened to teach this routine again!

I think that perfect pairing of music with choreography makes a dance look, dare I say, effortless? Because when you watch the moves while you’re listening to the song you’ll think, “Okay, this hit matches this beat and that look matches that pause. This makes perfect sense.”

$eishiro’s style is just like that, so imagine my utter shock (ha) when I found the moves to be VERY DIFFICULT. Rewatching this video after having taken the class (and having my sweaty butt served back to me), I realized just how much intricacy is packed into 30 seconds, and how easy $eishiro made it look. It was a fun and very humbling experience.

Watch video!
The whole music-choreography-fit thing is doubly impressive considering the dance barely makes use of any of the lyrical content (understandable since the song is in English and the choreographer is Japanese). But you probably didn’t even notice that because $eishiro captures the feel of the sounds so perfectly.


Bonus: We took a pic together. From left to right: me, Ryota-kun, Seishiro-san, Hina-san, and Midori-san (whose phone took the photo). Deuces!