Randomly generated drawing of a panda

yoko.cool / La Preuve Sinistre (7:33)

Four dancers create a formation and turn their creepy clown masked-faces out to the audience during a beat drop.

Halloween may be over, but it’s never too late to share this spooky quartet choreo. It’s old but a classic, of four dancers Marion Motin (red hat), Julie Moreau (purple hat), Nicolas Medea (black hat), and Marvin Gofin (navy hat, red bill) showcasing at Juste Debout, a street dance competition in France.

All four dancers are talented and are capable in a group, but I most appreciate that they each add a bit of their personal style through the brief solos interspersed throughout. I’m most taken by Marion’s chest isolations here and Nicolas + Marvin’s ultra-smooth duo-breaking shortly before.

Normally costuming doesn’t add much to a performance for me, but I remember when I first watched this video years ago, I was so haunted by it and I bet part of that had to do with the freaky clown mask/makeup stuff they had going on. When you’re that good, even the gimmicky stuff adds more and more layers of icing to the top of the cake. (Also it makes it a lot easier to search for again years later.)

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