Randomly generated drawing of a panda

yoko.cool / Tokyo shenanigans with Hata Boys (5:16)

A bunch of swaggy kids looking surprised in the supermarket

Rie Hata is a Tokyo-based choreographer whose self-titled crew consists of incredibly talented dancers who are half my age.


This video is second of a three-part series where she showcases each of her crew’s subdivisions (here are the other two; 3:59 and 3:01 respectively). I don’t have many words that do this video justice. It’s as if Rie Hata dumped a vat of swag onto all these kids and put them on a street in front of a camera. They even do the Nae Nae!

Make sure to watch to the end, where the boys infiltrate a grocery store. I think I’m most impressed by the fact that any Japanese establishment allowed for such shenanigans.

Watch video!

PS The whole crew, Rie Hata Tokyo, placing second in the junior division at this year’s Body Rock (6:24)
