Randomly generated drawing of a panda

yoko.cool / Brian Puspos: bad boy heartbreaker (3:17)

Brian and his boys sliding across the floor

May I speak candidly? I don’t know how to feel about Brian Puspos. He exudes this persona that is at once cocky and coy. His videos always seem to have these underlying “meanings” that allude to drama in real life. And the intros to his videos are always far too long (a big pet peeve of mine).

But I gotta hand it to him—he is an amazing choreographer and dancer. If you give his work a chance, it’s so easy to understand why there are tons of fawning, screaming Puspos fans out there. The contrast of his on-the-verge-of-crying resting face and his dripping confidence is so alluring, and he plays it up so well.

Also, did you know that Travis Garland did a cover/remake of Beyoncé’s “Rocket?” What a sexy song. Maybe you should watch this in the privacy of your room…

Watch video!
Don’t worry; I skipped all of the boring intro stuff to go straight into the dancing.

Was the lyrical and choreographic content not suggestive enough for you? You should consider watching another choreo he did, to Chris Brown’s “Wet the Bed” (yes, that is a real song).
