Randomly generated drawing of a panda

yoko.cool / A proper introduction to Shit Kingz (5:58)

A still from a Youtube video of the Shit Kingz performing at Hip Drop

Some weeks ago, I wrote a WAWD about the four-man Japanese crew, Shit Kingz, and I just kind of glossed over how “there are so many reasons to love this crew.” This time, I’m going to count the ways. Please, join me in this nerd-out session:

  • They are super in-sync, but they are also super precise about their asynchronicity. Check out this tiny, tiny arm wave (:33) that they hit exactly on the beat.
  • I don’t even know how to explain this, but when I first watched this video years ago, I had never seen anything like it: A fugue-like choreo arrangement (1:44) where at first everyone looks to be doing the same moves, just one after another, but then suddenly, seamlessly, they’re moving together again. It’s like freaking magic to me. Here’s another similar example (2:19) where they seamlessly sync up again.
  • Their blocking is really, really good. Having just four people in your crew obviously limits the number of permutations in which your bodies can be arranged, but these guys manage to move and place themselves in so many different variations.
  • Did you notice that only two of the guys were facing forward here (3:05)?
  • This chicken wing move (4:36) is crazy. It looks like an illusion, but really it’s extremely precise waving all the way down to the fingertips.

These are just some of the myriad reasons I can watch Shit Kingz videos over and over, because every time I will notice some minute detail that will blow my mind. Again! Again!

Watch video!
