Randomly generated drawing of a panda

yoko.cool / Parris Goebel: I Heart Cali Boys (3:46)

A still from a Youtube dance video by Parris Goebel. It's black and white. In the foreground, Parris' flat-brimmed profile is visible. She's just walked into a room of men (they are dancers lol), and it's the moment where Parris realizes it's just her. Don't worry, it ends well.

This video was originally scheduled to go out in two weeks, but I could not wait to show it to y’all. It pained me even to wait until this Wednesday!

I’m only just learning about Parris Goebel, but I love her already. She started, and owns, two dance studios in New Zealand. She is the lead choreographer of ReQuest, an all-ladies dance crew that has won multiple dance competitions. She was selected to choreograph Jennifer Lopez’s world tour in 2012 … when she was 20. What???!

The amount of swagger in this video is actually insane. I love that she choreographed this routine for men, and that amid all the crotch-grabbing and chin-nodding, she sprinkles in a ton of bad-girl booty work. I find it very sexy when men can pull off more “feminine” dance moves — I think it shows comfort, tolerance, and confidence in a more gender-equalized dance community. Oh, and it looks SUPER HOT.

Also, I want all of their hats and clothes.

Also, when Parris Goebel smirks at around 2:46, I just die.

Watch video!